Since Day One with the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts
Several years ago we started providing service to a small office for a brand new organization. Tomorrow that organization opens its $400 million jewel, the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts–a venue of international significance.
The center’s magnificence is obvious, but its behind-the-scenes infrastructure is impressive as well. Phone services are provided via Avid’s Cloud-based network–and they are tailored to serve the wide variety of demands of the Kauffman operation. The connection is a high speed fiber ring. The daily needs of the center are managed by Avid, relieving the staff of the work associated with the telecom needs of a fast-growing, ever-changing operation.
While the center’s investment in excellence for the performing arts is tremendous, its investment in a state-of-the-art telecommunication setup is a tiny, tiny fraction of the budget. Avid’s ability to instantly reconfigure the service has been important through the ever-changing development stage of this organization.
At Avid, we are so proud of the Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts and the transformational effect it will have on our city!
Congratulations to Avid for having a part in this magnificent building! In my opinion, the Kauffman Center may very well be the most significant architectural structure since the Union Station.
Nice work Dave! Raymond in Texas